Real World Training: What are you training for and how are you going to accomplish your goal?

real world liftingWhat are you training for? Your health? Yourself? Your family? High blood pressure? Bad Cholesterol? Lift your truck? Be able to do something without feeling like you are dying?


Let’s get real for a minute. What are you training for? That must be something you have to ask yourself and write it down. That is your long term goal. Mine is to be able to lift 600 on deadlifts, 500 on squats, 450 on bench, and 350 on shoulder press. Why? might you ask. I want to be strong enough to lift the end of my truck if it were to get stuck in the snow again. That was such a pain. Now, that can coinside with my farming life as well.

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I have to feed animals while heaving 50 lb bags of feed, bales of hay, and lots of mowing. I am also practicing for hiking, since I live in the beautiful Smoky Mountains. I want to make these things easy for myself rather than feeling like I am dying. I also have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I always show up as morbidly obese. Now, the morbidly obese thing? I am not sweating this too much because I am a power lifter. I am 6-0 and 260. But I am moving around with about 18% body fat.


I am on the path of losing body fat and gaining as much muscle as possible. I am not a body builder. I am looking for making myself strong and healthy.

Now, what about you? What are you training for?

Categories: Fitness Training, health, Martial Arts, personal training, self defense, strength, strength training, Uncategorized, Weight Loss | Leave a comment

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