Low testosterone? Prescription Meds? No, heavy workouts!

I was diagnosed as low T about three years ago. I figured that I was getting older and that just happens. I was also diagnosed with low cholesterol and overweight. I was working a desk job and I was on the phone for about 10 hours a day. I only worked out about 3 days a week for about 30 minutes because I had to workout on my lunch break. I was going downhill quickly, health wise.


I had a terrible reaction to the meds my doctor put me on. I got really sick with liver issues and migraines. I had to go to the emergency room. It was bad, my liver was shutting down and they had to get me on different meds to fix what the meds my doctor was giving me….. see a pattern?


I decided to just stay on my blood pressure medicine and change my life. I changed jobs so I wasn’t living under so much pressure, made sure I workout the way I need to, and make sure I changed my diet.


I made these changes in a way that helped my testosterone. I got a job that was something I enjoy. It is so not as soul sucking as the last one. I feel better when I get home and I am not stressing out as much.


I changed my diet so that I was eating no gluten, fresh vegetables and fruits, and leaner meats. This is huge! Making myself enjoy new, healthier foods! Make sure that I eat proper portions and vary the type of food I am eating. I did add a generic testosterone supplement that I take one pill in the morning and evening.


The most important thing was the lifting. I changed to Dinosaur Training that makes me lift heavy weight. This is done from progressively increasing weight as I go along. I started out lifting an empty bar. I have worked to be stronger than I ever have been. I have tweaked my workouts slightly because I have needed to get back into fighting shape. I have added cardiovascular work that is similar to mixed martial arts.


I now have normal levels of testosterone and feel better than I have in years. I lift hard and heavy and can help you do the same. My body looks better than it has since high school and my energy level is almost through the roof.
What are your thoughts on Low T? or just body image in general?

Categories: Fitness Training, Martial Arts, Uncategorized, Weight Loss | Leave a comment

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