Time is on your side……

I am a bit of a freak to some people; I like to workout in the morning.Why?, you might ask, would I subject myself to that first thing in the morning.


I feel great in the morning when there are just a few people around. I usually like the people who workout in the morning. They are there when they really do not have to be or because that is the only time they can be in the gym because of their own situation. I find I am the most motivated in the A.M.

goats and llamas

I also live on a farm with goats, llamas, chickens, dogs, horses, and cats. When the Sun comes up, it is feeding time. If you dream of sleeping in, someone is going to let you know it is time to eat! So I am up in the morning anyways, already a cup or two deep in the caffeine.


It all really started when I was a kid, I had to ride to school with my dad. School started at 845 A.M. in my hometown. Problem is, my dad went to work at 5 A.M. I had to pass the time and, per my dad, best way to pass time is to work. He owned an office supply store so he dealt with copy paper, furniture, miscellaneous office supply, computers, etc. Those all were delivered on semi-trucks. He did not have any loading dock except for a double door and there was only one forklift: me and a dollie.


Paper, Paper, Paper


So, while my dad was drinking coffee and setting up the next deliveries with the driver, I was unloading the trucks, by hand. First truck was furniture at 530 A.M. The second was office supply at 630 A.M. The last truck was the worst, 7 A.M. was the paper truck. I hated that one. I had to carry two boxes of paper at a time to the end of the truck so I can put them on the dollie. Farmer walking the boxes of, at least, a half full trailer. This all had to be done by the 730 A.M. so I could get to school and shower before school. I started this at 10 years old.


I thought when I joined the wrestling team, I would get out of it because we had morning weight training. Well, the truck drivers and my dad were more than willing to accommodate my schedule by starting at 430 A.M. so I could be at the gym at 7A.M. I did this until I was 18 years old when I was allowed to drive myself to school. Guess what? I still did some work in the mornings when I needed some extra cash.


That is why I love doing legs and back training. That is what I did: deadlifts, squats, farmer walks, and shrugs. Carrying heavy, awkward stuff. That is what makes you strong and injury proof. I have only had one major injury in my life and that was because I was full of **** and vinegar as a teenager. I did not listen to my body, I was invincible. Alas, I was not. I still have a nagging shoulder injury that required spare parts from a cadaver. It seems my shoulder, back, and legs like the mornings, there has not been the needs of the day pressed upon them and they are fresh.


Set In My Ways


I have tried to workout at different times; lunch, dinner, or even after work. Nope, not the same. I do not have the same effort, let alone drive to workout after work. Lunch seems to be ok but I only did that out of necessity at a job I once had with an onsite gym. I seem to be set in my ways. I can’t really sleep in still, even if I have the chance. I have to go in the morning with the early birds…. who are out there to get the worm. Remember, accept who you are and accept the challenges that life throws at you. Listen to your body rhythmics, try different times to workout, see what works best for you. We live in the real-world too, so we may have to adapt to a different time than what we really want.  Be open-minded and flexible. But always be truthful with yourself:


Be Healthy and Be Zen!

What time do you workout? Why?


Categories: Fitness Training, Martial Arts, Weight Loss | Leave a comment

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